Inglot - 962 in Silver


After spring pastel shades it's time for something harder - metal finish Inglot.


Nakon proljetnih pastelnih nijansi na red dolazi nešto malo žešće - Inglot metalnog finisha.

I don't have a lot of Inglot pieces because they're quite expensive, and when I'm going for expensive I rather go for OPI. However, Inglot sometimes has big sales, and I picked this piece for 60% off. In any case, when you're in the neighbourhood it pays off to stop by and check what they've got because few cosmetics I'd bought so far turned up quite nice, high quality and special (eyeshadows especially!).

Normally, when I decide on silver manicure, I'm happier with how light silver polishes, even almost white ones, work with my skin tone, but this one is an exception. Probably because of extreme metallic finish I really don't mind how colour of steel looks on my nails. The metallic glistening is what I like most in this nail polish, like you've taken the mercury out of thermometer and transferred it on your nails. When it comes to applying it, I didn't have any problems, and the coverage is quite good, you'll need two to three coats, depending on how thick you apply them. The speed of drying is also satisfying. Here are detailed pictures, have in mind that live the polish is a bit darker.

Od Inglota nemam baš puno primjeraka jer su dosta skupi, a kad već idem na skupo onda si radije priuštim OPI. No ponekad Inglot zna imati značajne akcije, a ovaj sam primjerak "ubrala" na čak 60% off. U svakom slučaju, kad se nađete u blizini isplati se navratiti i provjeriti što imaju, jer ono malo kozmetike što sam kupila do sada je ispalo vrlo lijepo, kvalitetno i posebno (pogotovo sjenila!).

Inače kad idem na srebrne manikure, više sam sretna s time kako mi stoje svijetlo srebrni lakovi, čak i prema bijeloj, no ovaj je iznimka. Vjerojatno zbog izrazite "metalnosti" ne smeta mi kako izgleda boja čelika na mojim noktima, dapače. To metalno presijavanje je zapravo ono što mi se najviše sviđa kod ovog laka, kao da ste uzeli živu iz toplomjera i prebacili na nokte. Što se tiče apliciranja, nisam imala nikakvih problema, a i prekrivanje je dobro, trebat će vam 2-3 sloja, ovisno koliko debelo nanosite. Brzina sušenja je također zadovoljavajuća. Evo i detaljnijih slika, imajte na umu da je lak uživo nešto tamniji.


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